On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 03:44:37PM +0100, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > CVSROOT:    /cvs/webwml
> > Module name:        cron
> > Changes by: joy     02/11/22 07:24:11
> > 
> > Added files:
> >     .              : .cvsignore README common.sh lessoften often 
> >     parts          : 1ftpfiles 1listscfg 1pseudo-packages 2cvs 
> >                      3stattrans 4webwml 5mirrorlist 6map 7doc 
> >                      7doc_manuals 8maintenance 999TriggerMirrors 
> >     people_scripts : people.pl update.packages+sources 
> >                      update.people.html 
> > 
> > Log message:
> >     initial commit (we're all afraid of fire now :)
> Great, what made you change your mind? ;)

Heheh. One thing to note is that this module is writeable only by the group
debwww, like it is on www-master.

On related note, it just so happens that Ryan (one of the admins) has
mentioned to me yesterday that we might want to create a dedicated user that
would rebuild the web pages and deliver email to webmaster and such things.
This would remove another dependency in our system, on specific accounts
such as mine.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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