* Christian Surchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-26 23:34]:
> What about it?
> I think we should consider it... because there is no "fight" between
> Debian and Commercial software... and Commercial is not Proprietary....

 Uhm, I remember that we did quite some changes some time ago wrt/ to
this (s/commercial/propietary/).  I think we just have missed this one,
thanks for noticing.

 If you happen to find some other places this changes haven't been made
yet don't hesitate to mention them.

 Have fun,
Alfie [yes, I'm going to replace that one]
Also, dass du mich als Script Kiddie beschimpfst überseh ich einfach mal. Also
ich hab gelesen, dass bestimmte Backdoors auf den Source-Port reagieren und
nichtmehr auf den Ziel-Port.
                -- damn66 in "Source-Port festlegen" auf linux-community.de

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