Frank Lichtenheld said:
> > says:
> > 
> >  There is a program that we have developed in Debian to help reporting
> >  bug reports, it's called reportbug. It will guide you through the bug
> >  reporting process step by step, and probably ease filing bugs that way.
> > 
> > If you don't want to play favorites, please mention the debian-bug
> > command in Emacs available via the debbugs-el package.  :-)
> How about this paragraph:
> Emacs user can also use the debian-bug command provided by the
> debbugs-el package. Just call it with M-x debian-bug and it will
> ask for all necessary information similar to reportbug.
> If noone objects, I will add it. 
> Gruß,
>       Frank

While you're at it, I think "There is ..., it's called reportbug." is
pretty ghastly.  How about:

  To assist users in reporting and checking bugs, there is a set of
  programs in Debian provided by the 'reportbug' package. The
  'reportbug' tool will guide you through the steps of the bug reporting
  process and reduce the amount of work involved.  The 'querybts' tool
  provides a convenient text-based interface to the Debian BTS.

(Okay, that's introducing lots of new stuff rather than just fixing an
offending bit of grammar: sorry.)


Andrew Shugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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