On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 04:39:23PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > > > > +               $long_desc =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/go;
> > > > 
> > > > That sounds like a fix for another bug, and it doesn't look like it 
> > > > would
> > > > actually handle the read &s in descriptions...
> > > 
> > > You're right, that this line (also the two other above) are not
> > > related to the bug. But i don't understand your problem with it. It is
> > > actually a fault to have bare &'s in the html-Code (look at the
> > > example site from the bug one paragraph above).
> > 
> > The problem is that if someone puts a proper & in a URL, your regexp
> > would happily convert it to & :)
> No, within plain text one writes http://foo.org/?a=1&b=2, escaping is only
> performed for some other formats (SGML and co).
> So unless descriptions are going to be considered as HTML text, this fix
> is meaningful.

Sorry but "don't do that" won't work if someone files a bug about it.
I much prefer to cover the corner cases now over covering them later.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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