* Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-04-21 10:56]:
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 11:50:55PM +0200, Kaare Olsen wrote:
>> Is the German translation based directly on the Swedish original? 
> No. But if I base the translation check on the english one, and the
> english one is out-of-date, the user of the german page gets no 
> warning (neither get I).

 Right.  But that "flaw" in the translation-check script doesn't mean
you should work against your co-maintainers of the page!  If you don't
base your translation on the swedish original you SHOULD NEVER EVER
change the translation-check header to swedish!  *aaargh*

> I can either check against the swedish one or implement some sort
> of chain check in the translation check ("if X is based on english
> and the english one is based on an other and is out-of-date, then
> X is also out of date"). I go for the first.

 And the first is BROKEN, for you don't translate from the swedish one
but from the english one!  translation-check doesn't work that way!

> Which one I use for translation, is an other matter :)

 No, it's the _sole_ matter for the translation-check header.

 You've found a nice bug in the translation-check script here, but your
approach to workaround it is flawed completely.  DON'T DO THAT!

P.S.: Sorry, musste mir das von der Leber schreiben -- und als
   Translation Coordinator _muss_ ich dich dafür auch zurechtweisen,
   also nimms nicht allzu persönlich ;)
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