
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Denis Barbier)
Subject: Re: enable searching East Asian words at search.debian.org
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 09:54:58 +0200

> My understanding of Josip mail is that when investigating your
> instructions about mnogosearch, he wondered how input text has
> to be encoded when filling search form.  This is a good question,
> search page should tell which encoding to use when searching for
> non-English words.

Yes, I know.  The solution is to write the search page in UTF-8,
which has been available since last December when Craig and I
discussed about this problem.

For example, I can search an Russian word "Novosti" (of course in
Cyrillic) (which means "News") at http://search.debian.org/ English
page like:


and the page shows 112 results.

Also, I can input Japanese words.  However, there will be no results
for Japanese words because of problems I wrote.


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