* Debian WWW CVS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-05-08 18:52]:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs/webwml
> Module name:  webwml
> Changes by:   kraai   03/05/08 18:52:46
> Modified files:
>       english/template/debian: countries.wml 
>       english/mirror : countries.data 
> Log message:
>       Rename Yugoslavia to Serbia and Montenegro.

 Matt, please keep in mind that when you fiddle around in
english/template you should also update the english/po directory,
otherwise those changes won't propagate like they should....

 So long,
(o)_    ,---ooO--00--Ooo---.  Signature Daemon:
(>)_  ,'   Gerfried  Fuchs  `.       --  <http://alfie.ist.org/projects/sigd/>
    ,'     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    `.     GPG-Fingerprint: 3A53 DA5E 797E 9168 
    `- http://alfie.ist.org/ --'      1024D/EC152942  6666 314F 7A95 EC15 2942

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