* Morgan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-06-16 11:00]:
> Hej Gerfried Fuchs. Tack för ditt meddelande 09:25 2003-06-16 enligt nedan:
>> I don't think that Lindows "shares" their money with the Debian
>>project. Sorry. 
>>But they don't have to. If they would have to Debian
>>wouldn't be free.
> Well, read the second sentence on that page ;) :
> "Because of the substantial support provided by these partners, we
> have been able to expand and improve Debian. "

 Right.  So?  Lindows isn't such a partner, AFAIK.

> I really think children distros should contribute to the main distro
> when they get income.
> They always should contribyute with improvments in code, donate
> machinery and some time, money for expenses, or whatever.  *Someting*

 Emphasis is on »should«. It isn't a »must«. Like I said, if it would be
a »must« then Debian wouldn't be free. And some like to do not.

 Wether we like it or not is not the question. We have to accept it if
they don't like to. We don't force anyone to do something, not even our
own developers (from which I'm also just one, nothing special, so my
input in this thread doesn't mean anything more or less than the the
input anyone else would have been able to give you).

 Have fun,
P.S.: Please wrap your lines at around 75 characters or such, it is
   annoying to have to wrap it to read it, and some mail clients might
   not be able to do so.
P.P.S.: Btw., I'm reading the lists that I write to, no need to Cc: me
   unless I explicitly request Cc's. I'm not sure about you, though.
There are people who see things as they are and they wonder why, and
there are people who dream things as they have never been and they
wonder why not.
                                                             G. Shaw

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