On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 03:48:51AM +0200, Michael Bramer wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 10:38:43PM +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 11:07:55PM +0200, Michael Bramer wrote:
> > > about main: 
> > >   Now we translate only main. I will add contrib and non-free in future
> > > 
> > > about sid: 
> > >   The server have translated descriptions from potato, woody, sarge and
> > >   sid. But now I make only Translation files for sid. If you need more,
> > >   ask and I will change this.

I've mostly finished my work on the pages themself (going now to the
search engine). It would be interesting to have all available
translations to get a feeling for needed ressources.

For interested people, currently I've the following stats:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/debian-www/packages_new$ du -hs www/*
1.3M    www/experimental
13k     www/Pics
123M    www/stable
158M    www/testing
735M    www/unstable

number of files:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/debian-www/packages_new$ for dist in stable testing 
unstable experimental; do echo -ne " $dist:\t"; find www/$dist -not -type d | 
wc -l; done
 stable:           9806
 testing:         12528
 unstable:        52679
 experimental:      137

These are for static pages. So we will have about 2 GB space and about 
150.000 files for all distributions. Should be not a problem today 
(? I'm not in the position to decide this though)

*** Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ***
          *** http://www.djpig.de/ ***
see also: - http://www.usta.de/
          - http://fachschaft.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/

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