* Uwe Kappe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-07-16 07:31]:
> today I wanted to do a look at the packages and followed the Link
> "Softwarepakete" on http://www.de.debian.org. On the URL
> "http://www.de.debian.org/distrib/packages"; I got a page in scandinavian
> language... ;-)
> My browser is configured to show me German pages first and then the english
> pages.

 What german?  de without country extension, or do you have one with?
Please check your configuration against
<http://www.de.debian.org/intro/cn.de.html> to see if you have set it up
correctly. From what I can see (through some GET tests) the server is
working correctly.  A correct Accept-Language: header would look like
"de, en" or "de; q=1.0, en; q=0.5" or similar.  No de_XX or en_YY here.

 If your configuration isn't really correct please write a mail to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and say that the problem was on your part
(which I'm quite sure of).

 So long,
use Mail::Signature;
$sig = Mail::Signature->new;
print $sig->random;

Attachment: pgpi4i5N8Fm61.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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