On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 12:55:57PM +0200, Martin Michlmayr - Debian Project 
Leader wrote:
> I'd like to see a speaker directory so conference organizers who are
> looking for people to give talks on Debian can easily see who's
> available and get in contact with those people.  Something similar to
> http://www.gnu.org/people/speakers.html
> I think the following information should be on the page:
> name
> email
> link to previous talks
> languages
> location/place of residence
> topics
> The pages should be integrated with the events pages and Joey has
> agreed to add people if they submit the information listed above.
> What we need is a system similar to organization.{data,wml} where the
> actual information can be added to .data.  Could someone who knows wml
> well come up with something like that.  I would then submit some
> information from various people.

I've created a schema for this based on the consultants page.  The
first attachment should be placed in english/template/debian/, the
rest in english/events/speakers/.


Matt Kraai          [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Debian GNU/Linux
#use wml::debian::common_tags

<define-tag speakerstitle whitespace=delete>
  <gettext>List of Speakers</gettext>
<define-tag returnspeakers whitespace=delete>
  <gettext>Back to the <a href="./">Debian speakers page</a>.</gettext>

# DO NOT translate anything below this line. If you feel something needs to
# be modified, first write to debian-www list.

#use wml::debian::basic SUMMARY="$(SUMMARY)" title="<speakerstitle/>" NOCOMMENTS="yes" NOCOPYRIGHT="yes"
#use wml::debian::languages





<ifeq "$(NOLANGUAGES)" "" "
<:= languages() :>


# This Makefile should need no changes from 
# Please send a message to debian-www if you need to modify anything
# so the problem can be fixed.


GETTEXTFILES += others.mo

include $(WMLBASE)/Make.lang

index.$(LANGUAGE).html: index.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/template.wml \
                        $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/events/speakers/speakers.data \
                        $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/events/speakers/speakers.defs \
        $(WML) $(<F)

%.$(LANGUAGE).html: %.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/speakers.wml
        $(WML) $(<F)
#use wml::debian::template title="Speakers" NOCOMMENTS="yes" GENTIME="yes"

<p>The following speakers make presentations about Debian.</p>


#include "../../english/events/speakers/speakers.data"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/events/speakers/speakers.defs"

<name    Martin Michlmayr>
<previous-talks http://example.org/>
<languages English, German>
<location Australia>
<topic   Some topic>
<topic   Another topic>
#use wml::debian::common_tags

<bind-gettext-domain domain="others" />

<define-tag name whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Name:</gettext></strong> %attributes<br>
<define-tag email whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Email:</gettext></strong>
  <a href="mailto:%0";>%0</a>
  <: if (q{%1} ne "") { $tmp=q{%1}; print " <or> <a 
href=\"mailto:$tmp\";>$tmp</a>"} :>
<define-tag previous-talks whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Previous Talks:</gettext></strong> 
  <a href="%0">%0</a><br>
<define-tag languages whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Languages:</gettext></strong> %attributes<br>
<define-tag location whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Location:</gettext></strong> %attributes<br>
<define-tag topic whitespace=delete>
  <strong><gettext domain="others">Topic:</gettext></strong> %attributes<br>

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