On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 05:39:16PM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
> > Can someone explain me why script copypage.pl changes for example string
> > © to ? (BTW what's that? ;->)
> copypage.pl will replace any named entities with the actual character.
> It is supposed to check the encoding for the target language. So in you
> case (Polish) it should use ISO 8859-2, where it should not convert
> © since the sign is not available.
> It works fine for me when I test it (does not convert © for
> Polish). Could you give an example on when it goes wrong? It reads the
> .wmlrc file from your language subdirectory to find the encoding.
I didn't know that it reads .wmlrc file.
I removed polish subdirectory and then I copied all of files.
Sorry for trouble :/

Ok... can you tell me which entites will be converted?
> > Why is copypage.pl changing these entities?
> Because entities is sometimes used in the English files to help
> translators that are using non-iso-8859-1 systems to understand which
> characters are used, but for translations that are using these
> encodings where the characters are used they just waste space and are
> hard to work with, so it tries to be smart and replace them.
> It's all my fault, I hate entities used when there's no need to :)
May I leave them non-converted?
I have to copy/synchronize all files to another repository.
It would be much simpler to me if copied files will have only additional
wml::debian::translation-check tag and nothing else.
Then I can write simple script wich will compare these files.

      _     Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
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