* Tormod Volden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-07-30 13:59]:
> Have you considered masking e-mail addresses on the public
> web archives so that spam robots won't pick them up ?

 Yes, we have considered it but haven't yet found a way that will please
most. One benefit of the archives is that people can write mails to the
list or sender in a helpful way.

> For instance, my work e-mail address made it into this page:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-m68k-changes/2001/debian-devel-m68k-changes-200106/msg00387.html

 Funny, I didn't know that the -changes lists are archived, too...

> and I am afraid I receive spam because of this.

 You might be right. Some lists are even archived on different places,
like in usenet groups (linux.debian.devel e.g., which is reachable
through web (gmame, google groups) too), so changing them on our
webarchive only doesn't change much.  But like I said, there are
discussions going on how to "mask" the addresses so they are still
usable for people reading the archive and meaning not too much problem
for them, and on the other hand let the spambots not have it so easy to
crawl them.

 If you know a good way (substituding @ to (at) and . to (dot) or
similar is no good way: It hurts the people using the archive but can
easily automated by spamcrawlers) please let us know.

 So long,
use Mail::Signature;
$sig = Mail::Signature->new;
print $sig->random;

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Description: PGP signature

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