On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 05:53:18PM +1000, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-08-07 18:02]:
> > I, for one, would rather not have this presented here, but instead
> > leave it to the AM to decide whether to suggest it to an applicant or
> > not. I've had one or two applicants who should have waited before
> > applying, until they had an opportunity to get their keys signed.
> I think only the signed GPG method should be described explicitly with
> a mention that "alternative methods" are available if a signed GPG key
> is not possible.  In that case, they should imho contact the Front
> Desk to they can check the situation and say what to do.

New version attached.
I also changed the wording regarding the signing coordination page.

*** Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ***
          *** http://www.djpig.de/ ***
see also: - http://www.usta.de/
          - http://fachschaft.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/
#use wml::debian::template title="Step 2: Identification" NOHEADER="true"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"

<p>The information on this page, while public, will primarily
be of interest to future Debian developers.</p>

<h2>Step 2: Identification</h2>

<h3>Why GPG?</h3>

<p>Because the <a href="newmaint#Member">Debian members</a> are
located everywhere around the world (see 
<a href="../developers.loc">developers locations</a>) and rarely 
meet each other personal an alternate method of identification 
is necessary. All Debian developers are identified by their 
<a href="http://www.gnupg.org";>GPG</a> key. This provides an accurate
method to authenticate messages and other data by signing it. For
more information on GPG keys see the README in the 
<code>debian-keyring</code> package.</p>

<h3>Providing a key</h3>

<p>Each <a href="newmaint#Applicant">applicant</a> must provide a
GPG public key. The preferred way to do this is to export it to one of
the <a href="http://wwwkeys.us.pgp.net/";>public key servers</a>.  
Public keys can be exported using:</p>
gpg --send-key --keyserver &lt;server address&gt; &lt;yourkeyid&gt;

<p>Note: There are <a href="nm-amchecklist#gpgversion">known problems</a> 
with GPG &lt;= 1.0.1 and ElGamal keys.</p>


<p>Because anyone can upload a public key to the servers it needs
to be verified that the key is the applicants one.</p>

<p>To accomplish this the public key itself must be signed by an 
other <a href="newmaint#Member">Debian member</a>. Therefor the
applicant must meet this Debian member personal and must 
identify himself (by providing a passport, a drivers license 
or some other ID).</p>

<h4><a name="key_signature">How to get your GPG key signed</a></h3>

<p>Announces of key signing parties are usually posted on the
<code>debian-devel</code> mailing list, so check there first.</p>

<p>If you are looking for developers in any specific areas to sign your
GPG public key, the <a href="http://nm.debian.org/gpg.php";>key signing
coordination page</a> may be of help:</p>

      <li>You can check the list of key signing offers for a Debian
        member near you.</li>
      <li>If you cannot find a Debian member among the key signing offers,
        you can register your key signing request.</li>
      <li>As a last resort, if you didn't received any offers for a
        few weeks after registering, you can send e-mail to 
        <email [EMAIL PROTECTED]> telling them where you live
        exactly (plus naming some big cities close to you), then they
        can check in the developer database for developers who are
        near you.</li>

<p>Once you find someone to sign your key, you should follow the steps
in the <a href="$(HOME)/events/keysigning">Keysigning Mini-HOWTO</a>.</p>

<p>It is recommended that you also sign the Debian Developer's
key. This is not necessary for your ID check but it strengthens the
web of trust.</p>

<h4>When you can't get your key signed</h4>

<p>If all the steps above failed, please contact the 
<a href="newmaint#FrontDesk">Front Desk</a> and ask for help. They may
offer you an alternate way of identification.</p>

<hr noshade size=1>
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"

Attachment: pgp8f6JQkCArA.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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