
1. Name of organization : Non-violence.org, Haute-Savoie, France

2. Organization type : non-profit

3. Home page link : http://www.non-violence.org/

4. A paragraph or two describing how your organization uses Debian. Try to 
include details such as the number of workstations/servers, the software they 
run, and why you chose Debian over the competition :

We are a small organisation dedicated to spread the word of non-violence to 
French speaking people. We use Debian in our desktops and our Web server.

http://www.non-violence.org/ | Site collaboratif sur la non-violence
http://www.forget-me.net/ | Alternatives sur le Net
http://fr.wikipedia.org/ | Encyclopédie libre
http://www.forget-me.net/pro/ | Formations et services Linux

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