
 Sebastian, please notice that Debian is an international project and
thus debian-www is an english language list.

* Sebastian Gogolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-03 09:57]:
> beim durchstöbern der Händlerlinks ist mir
> aufgefallen, das sich die URL der Debian-Seite:
> http://www.liniso.de/shop.php durch eine neue url
> ersetzt hat. --> http://www.liniso.de/shop_shop.php
> (Deutschland)

 Translation: while browsing the vendor links I noticed that the URL of
the page http://www.liniso.de/shop.php changed to a new one:
http://www.liniso.de/shop_shop.php (germany)

 Sebastian, it would have been a good idea to state on which Debian page
that link is, searching for it is much more efficient if you (who has
the URL right infront of him) could have provided it....

 I've found it now on http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/#de.  Craig, can
you please change the URLdeb of vendor LinISO to the new one? Thanks.

 So long,
Linux - welch ein richtungsweisender Gedanke.
                                  -- <http://www.sloganizer.de/>

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