* Andre Lehovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-03 11:28]:
> On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Peter Karlsson wrote:
>> Please avoid doing formatting changes to the source when also changing
>> content, it makes it a lot harder to find the content changes for us
>> translators. Especially avoid to re-justify paragraphs. Yes, the result
>> may look prettier, but it is a lot more work to figure out what word
>> was changed in a re-justified paragraph.
> There are diff utilities to handle this situation:
> apt-get install wdiff wdiff-doc

 So you are willing to incorporate a wdiff into cvs and/or cvweb? Cool.
Otherwise your comment is moo, sorry.

 Of _course_ we can do cvs checkouts of both revisions and do wdiff on
the files, but that means additional work that is not needed.

> In GNU-emacs

 Do not try to force a special editor on translators -- it won't work.
Still it holds: You need to check out a addition file to be able to do
the ediff/wdiff on them and remove them afterwards again. What for?
There is no need for it.

> Both wdiff and ediff support various ways of highlighting just the
> changed words.

 Fine, but none of them are incorporated into cvs or cvsweb.

 So long,
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                   -- Robin S. Socha in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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