On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 16:23, Joey Hess wrote:
> Alexander Winston wrote:
> > Hello. It has come to my attention that you have requested English
> > proofreading from native English speakers. While I have not looked over
> > the Web site in great detail yet, a large error I have noticed that
> > punctuation always seems to be missing from inside quotations. For
> > example, I spotted this:
> > 
> > no browser specific "extensions".
> > 
> > In this case, it should read thusly:
> > 
> > no browser-specific "extensions."
> This is common usage amoung technically inclined, to whom the exact
> content of the quotation, right down to the punctuation, is often 
> very important.

Regardless of how commonplace this usage is, it should not be accepted.
Of course there are situations where punctuation exists in the original,
but such predicaments can be explained away with a miniscule note from
the editor without sacrificing the quality and the intended message.

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