* "[Admin at dDH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-10-16 03:54]:
> To: Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Please don't send me Ccs, I read this list, in fact I replied to a mail
you sent to this list, so....

>>  Go to <http://www.gnu.org/>, or any other website that uses content
>> negotiation.
> Now that's a website where it's done right!
> - Clear link to translations at the top

 They aren't clear, they are in the same language as the page. So, how
do they help people that don't understand the language?

> - Plus links to other languages at the bottom

 Which are worse than ours, as far as I can see. I've gone to
<http://www.gnu.org/home.da.html>, and how should I know that Tysk means
German? I have no fscking idea...  Sorry, those aren't better, in no
way.  :)

> - Only a popup when I click a not supported language, which I can see
>   beforehand

 You seem you can? I can't....

> At gnu.org the HTML is: <a href="/home.pt.html">Português</a>
> At debian.org it is: <a rel="alternate" lang="pt" hreflang="pt" 
> title="Portuguese" href="about.pt.html">Português</a>&nbsp;

 That lang="" might be the problem...  What for is it needed exactly?

> So you have to ask yourself what added value the language references in 
> the HTML brings. I'd say: non in this case.

 The support is there for purpose and should be used. Just because
mozilla does illbehave isn't a good reasoning for not supporting it. I
guess you wouldn't be that strong after it if it would be an Internet
Explorer bug that you want to have been worked around....

>> So you want us to remove a helpful feature because of some browser
>> that doesn't do the sensible thing? Sorry, the thing doesn't work that
>> way.
> No, not remove (when it serves a purpose), but find a better solution.

 If you find a better solution, feel free to raise it. So far you
haven't shown one.

>>  No, it can't. Images are a real handicap for disabled persons, and
>> won't work on textmode browsers, which are also quite popular amongst
>> our users.
> Good point indeed, in general, not so much on the language pages.

 Of course, still.

> Could be solved by slicing images and alternate text, but that's a bit 
> over the top :)

 I am in no way convinced that mozilla wouldn't like to download the
font files for the alternate text neither.

> I only now looked into the HTML, but I guess leaving out the language 
> references is the simple way to solve the problem.

 And that helps in what way?

 So long,
"Die Leude wolln dass was passiert,
 die Leude wolln dass Bass masiert,
 die Leude wolln das krass serviert:
 Die Leude wolln uns!"            -- 5 Sterne Deluxe, "Die Leude"

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