* Debian Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-01-07 03:51]:
> make[2]: Entering directory `/org/www.debian.org/webwml/english/MailingLists'
> ../../english/MailingLists/mklist -f ../../english/MailingLists/lists.cfg -s
> can't find ../../english/MailingLists/desc/int/debian-l10n-russian: No such 
> file or directory at ../../english/MailingLists/mklist line 105.

 Whoever added debian-l10n-russian to lists.cfg please check my commited
webwml/english/MailingLists/desc/int/debian-l10n-russian file to see if
it fits your needs, it is needed so that the build runs without

 So long,
When in doubt, parenthesize.  At the very least it will let some
poor schmuck bounce on the % key in vi.
             -- Larry Wall in the perl man page

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