* Nobuhiro IMAI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-27 18:43]:
> I wonder whether this is worth thing to do or not. Do you have any
> suggestions?

 It is your effort that you like to put in, of course. Personally from
looking at the japanese stats[1] I (personally) would suggest to
translate these things:

 events/*.wml -- they help people that like to organize events in japan,
too. Maybe the current events pages from 2004 and 2003 make sense, too
(depending on if japanese Debian users are willing to travel around to
events, of course).

 ports/ and things below. It would help people interesting in the
various ports of Debian who aren't that fluent english speakers to get
pulled into porting (wish thinking, I know).

 Translated doc/ pages should help Japanese users quite well.

 Some of the devel/<subproject>/ pages might be valueable, too.

 Like said, these are my personal opinions only. Some of these documents
change more often and need regular attention, others don't change that
often. Depending on the size of your translation team and how often you
check for outdated pages (from your stats it seems to be quite regular)
you should take this into consideration, too.

 What I guess would be *really* nice is if you request write access for
the SPI-pages[2] and update those. There are 22 pages in that CVS that
needs japanese attention, and I guess some other pages in there are
valueable, too. Bug Joy or Wiggy about it, if you like cvs write access
over there (and yes, this isn't limited to japanese; other translation
teams are encouraged to take a look at those pages, too).

[1] <http://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/ja.html>
[2] <http://cvs.spi-inc.org/webwml/>
The following two statements are usually both true:
There's not enough documentation.
There's too much documentation.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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