
 Please notice that Debian is an international project and thus the
debian-www mailinglist is an english language list. I will translate
your part for the others, if you need a german language reply feel free
to contact me.

* Stefan Fahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-16 23:00]:
> ich wollte einmal fragen ob einer den Namen von der Debian Schriftart kennt ??

 The question was about the fontname of the debian logo.

 Stefan, the font is called "Poppl Laudation Condensed". Unfortunately
that is a commercial font, see <http://www.identifont.com/show?U5>. This
is the reason why it isn't included in the Debian distribution (isn't
that ironic?).

> Die Mailadresse habe ich von einem Webmaster vom Debian-Forum
> bekommen.  Er schrieb mir das ein Herr Gerfried Fuchs
> vielleicht da helfen könnte.

 Funny coincidence that I answer now, not? Whichever forum and whoever
webmaster it was, nice greetings :)

 Have fun,
The trouble with you
Is the trouble with me.
Got two good eyes
But we still don't see.           -- Robert Hunter, "Workingman's Dead"

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