Hi Santiago,

Quoting Santiago Garcia Mantinan:
> Hi!
> I was browsing our organization pages
> (http://www.debian.org/intro/organization) and I saw that the debian-cd team
> is listed there, however my name is not listed at all, not that I'd like to
> have my name there to get big thanks from the people or anything like that,
> but when you are producing the images and people don't know you, it is
> easier for them to trust that you are one of the guys in charge if your name
> appears by the others in the web ;-)
>       + CD Images --
>           o Production -- <debian-cd@lists.debian.org>
>                  member Philip Hands
>                  member Raphaël Hertzog
>                  member Philip Charles
>                  member J.A. Bezemer
>                  member Richard Atterer
> I was wondering if my name shouldn't appear there by the others, and if so,
> well, if you could talk to whomever is in charge of that web so that it
> does.

Of course you are a membere, you're even the most active in the latest

Josip, or anyone from debian-www, could you add Santiago in the
corresponding list in the organization page ?

Thank you in advance.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
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