On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 03:49:34AM +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> Hi.
> http://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/ (and every other mirror of
> course).
> Please take a look and comment. The pages are currently not linked nor
> mentioned on the rest of the website. I will add this after giving you
> some time for feedback and improval suggestions.

I have now looked closer at the pages, and they are even better
than I first thought!  Thanks!

Here are some small ideas that no one else seem to have posted:

1. When the page goes real, make www.d.org/licenses and
  www.d.org/copyright alternate names for the first page, and
  establish cross linking with www.d.org/license (to catch the
  obvious typos).

2. The non-free OSL has been given the honor of being license
  number 001-1 Maybe you should cheat and make it number 100-1,
  then the top free licenses can get the honors of having the
  low numbers.
   As a precedent, the Linux counter (counter.li.org) has
  manually reserved "Linux user #1" for Linus Thorvalds even
  though he has not yet signed up on the site (which has been up
  for more than 10 years).  All other users are numbered as they
  sign up.
   Following DFSG#10 as a sequence, the low numbers can be
  assigned systematically to free licenses deserving special
  honor, leaving gaps for any not yet written summaries and
  likely future license versions, something like this:
   [Remember DFSG#10 traditionally listed "GPL", "BSD", and
  "Artistic" in that order]
  001-1 GPLv1
  002-1 GPLv2
  003 reserved for GPLv3
  004 reserved for future use
  005-1 LGPLv2.0
  006-1 LGPLv2.1
  007 reserved for the next LGPL
  008 to 009 reserved to future good FSF licenses
  010-1 classic short one paragraph unnumbered permission notice
  011-1 classic 3 clause BSD with advertising clause
  012-1 2 clause BSD with no advertising clause
  013-1 classic 4 clause BSD with advertising clause
  014-1 3 clause BSD with no advertising clause
  015 to 019 other major BSD style licenses
  020 reserved for future use
  021-1 Artistic license
  022-1 Clarified Artistic license
  023 to 029 reserved for future perl or artistic licenses
  030-1 Genuine public domain (mostly literary works, US gov, bible)
  031-1 Plain claim of public domain assignment
  032-1 Public domain assignment combined with equivalent permission
  033 to 038 other public domain variants
  039-1 Public Domain by name only (warning against confused use).
  040 to 099 other major free licenses deserving an honor number
  100-1 OSLv2

3. http://people.debian.org/~bap/NOTES includes an old checklist
  of things to put on these pages, most is already there, but
  you might be inspired.

Once again, THANKS!

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do not consider it a binding commitment, even if its phrasing may
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