On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 01:47:29PM +0100, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 11:54:15AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > > I'm considering uploading the attached content to the webwml sources 
> > > (i.e. 
> > > the Debian website) at w.d.o/debian/buildd/.
> > 
> > As most of this content is developer-oriented, shouldn't this be
> > /devel/buildd/ ?
> Agggg. Correct, it's devel/buildd (and that's where I have it in my local 
> sources, the previous reference was a typo)

Okay :)

> > I have no problem with my content being reused for www.debian.org;
> > however, in that case I would appreciate it if I could maintain it
> > there (i.e., if someone could give me CVS access).
> I cannot provide that access, but I'm sure the www maintainers would gladly 
> give it to you once this has been setup.

Whom do I ask?

> > However, if you check the version number of the package in the Packages
> > file, and check where the Sources file has its base URL, you can
> > download the source tarball.
> I can't find the package in the sid Packages file, is it 'buildd'?

In the db.debian.org packages file, not the sid one.

wget http://db.debian.org/debian-admin/Packages

look for 'buildd' in Packages, and see what the version number is.
construct a file name 'wanna-build_' plus the version number of buildd
as found in Packages.

wget http://db.debian.org/debian-admin/wanna-build_$version.tgz

> A previous mail from you [1] points to http://db.debian.org/debian-admin/ 
> but that location is not available any more (I believe you are already 
> aware of that)
> > I agree that it would be better if the source would be readily
> > downloadable, but that is currently not the case.
> Yes, most unfortunate. I've been able to find a buildd package, however, at
> http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/buildd/
> I wonder if this one is recommended/used?

Neither am I.

> [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2004/06/msg007006.html

That link renders a 404.

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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