On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 12:15:25AM +0100, Jens Seidel wrote:
> I applied a small script on www.debian.org and found again many many
> typos where words occur twice. I attached attached a patch which fixes
> these (for english/ only!!).

Thanks for doing this.

> I'm not sure about the following which is NOT included in my patch.
> Please check:
> ./News/1998/19980522a.wml:packages have have been allowed into the 
> distribution as long as they were
> ./security/1998/19981126.wml:<p>If you have have installed fsp and a FTP 
> daemon, and do not want to have
> ./vote/2002/platforms/raphael.wml:that just have have to be checked (by the 
> main team).

Please fix these.

> The patch contains also changes to devel/constitution* and
> devel/secretary. Please confirm that it's OK to touch these files.
> (PS: The fonts in the last mentioned file look strange and seem to
> differ from other web pages, is this wanted!?)


> It would be nice if someone could proofread this patch. I remember that
> I "improved" once a package documentation in a similar way where I was
> wrong (English grammer!).
> Isn't it surprising how many typos can still be found in English pages?

No.  :)


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