tags 324528 confirmed pending
owner 324528 !

On Monday 22 August 2005 17:55, Jutta Wrage wrote:
> After building the pages with HTML strict  tidy found some wml-tags
> inside the pages.
> I do not know, why these are not on - the bug is not
> fixed yet and last build is after last change to the files.

Hi Jutta,

thanks for pointing those errors out. However, I don't know what you mean 
with the second sentence. I've looked at the (HTML) source code of the 
pages on, and they contain the wml tags as well.

Anyway, this is an error, and I've fixed it in the page you mentioned.

> Other file with same error:
> www/releases/3.0/

That's essentially the same file; the web scripts generate automatically a 
symlink from releases/woody/ to releases/3.0. I expect that file to be 
fixed as well.

> FYI: The whole tidy-error file will be uploaded to

Is it this one?

> Can someone with commit access have a look into that, please?

Sure, will do. If you'd like to help me out with some patches, I'll 
certainly appreciate that very much (hint, hint!) :-)




    "To be is to do"  -- Plato
    "To do is to be"  -- Aristotle
    "Do be do be do"  -- Sinatra

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