On Friday 16 September 2005 18:37, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 05:30:04PM +0200, Tobias Toedter wrote:
> > Could not create directory '/org/home/debwww/.ssh'.
> > No RSA host key is known for cvs.debian.org and you have requested
> > strict checking.
> > Host key verification failed.
> > cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
> > if any)
> Hmm,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/org/www.debian.org/webwml$ ldapsearch -x -h db.debian.org
> -b dc=debian,dc=org uidNumber=2045 homeDirectory | grep homeDirectory #
> requesting: homeDirectory
> homeDirectory: /home/debwww
> That looks good.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/org/www.debian.org/webwml$ getent passwd debwww
> debwww:x:2045:803:Debian Web User,,,,:/org/home/debwww:/bin/bash
> That not (i.e. the home directory is not correct).
> No idea why this suddenly broke or how to fix it, though.
> CCing debian-admin, perhaps they have an idea.


Joey has fixed this yesterday.




    "To be is to do"  -- Plato
    "To do is to be"  -- Aristotle
    "Do be do be do"  -- Sinatra

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