
     Name of organization (in the form of /division/, /organization/,

     TI Consultores,Consulting technologies of information and
     businesses, Nicaragua

  2. Organization type (educational, non-profit, commercial,
     government): Commercial
  3. //Home page link: http://www.ticonsultores.biz.ni/
  4. A paragraph or two describing how your organization uses Debian.
     Try to include details such as the number of workstations/servers,
     the software they run, and why you chose Debian over the

     We used Debian Sarge in our workstations as well as in our servants.

      At the moment we have installed Debian since he lends better
     conditions of work and compatibility of the programs available.

      We also have around 75 computers with Debian Sarge and 5 Servers.

...:    Wilbert J. Rojas O.  :...
...:    TI CONSULTORES,S.A.  :...
...: Debian GNU/Linux Stable :...
...:   Linux User #394389    :...
...:    Managua, Nicaragua.  :...

fn:Wilbert J. Rojas O.
n:Rojas O.;Wilbert J.
org:TI Consultores,S.A.;Redes de Datos y Servidores
adr:;;Centro Comercial San Francisco, Modulo C-4;Managua;Managua;A-25;Nicaragua
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Administraci=C3=B3n de Servidores
tel;work:+(505) 252-5953
tel;fax:+(505) 252-5953
tel;cell:+(505) 670-8432

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