"Grégoire Duchêne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://duchene.g.googlepages.com/index.html
> What do you think about that ?

Seems to validate as xhtml: good!  For some reason, the web-based CSS
validator complains about an I/O error for me.  I guess that's another
google bug.

"Get Debian GNU/Linux!" changes size on hover here (as text boldens).

Need to set text colour on right-hand "What is Debian?" boxes - the
current text is unreadable for some browser settings (set default
foreground to white, background to black).

Should the bottoms of the right-column boxes be rounded?

Should we use graphic roundings for the square IE users?  (Tip: set
the bottom rounding graphic bottom center on the div and the top
rounding graphic top center on the h1 and don't put h1s elsewhere in
the divs.)

Text change, not a design element: I'd add 'For user support, please
see the support pages' to the footer right next to debian-www, to try
to reduce the number of misdirected enquiries.

In general, nice update, but it's the navigation/structure that really
bugs me.

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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