On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 11:31:00PM +0200, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> > Translators also have good tools for handling gettext.  What's more,
> > if we used gettext for more of the site, we could use nice web
> > translation frontends more easily.  I'm not sure it's worthwhile, but
> > it seems a better option than the wiki.
> If you mean with "Nice web translation frontents": "someone can enter
> translated text into a webfrontend", than it sounds pretty much like
> "wiki" for me.

No, he's talking about power-user translator tools which translators should
use. These include gbabel, ktranslator and emacs's PO-mode. All of these can
use gettext together with translation memories something *good* translators
use both to speed up their work and to provide consistent and good
translations. Something that a simple web frontend (in a wiki) cannot do.

> Maybe we have some kind of generation gap here, some people prefer to
> work with their well known all-purpose tools while others are already
> comfortable to use e.g. a browser to check their mail or edit a wiki.

Translators are comfortable with translator oriented tools. All the members
of the current translation teams use gettext extensively and there's no need
to oversimplify the process to get "novice" translators on board right now. 

There is an attempt to improve translation processes and try to simplify
editing somehow for "casual" translators. But that right now goes through
Pootle, not through a Wiki.



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