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JANUARY 07, 2008Issue 1041
I think our opportunity is in the middle. In the middle, there's a huge opportunity to take some of the learnings from the high-end in terms of quality and experience, and some of the learnings from the massively-scaled end in terms of ease-of-use and deployment, and bring them together in the middle that scales and has some of that simplicity and premium experience.

Andrew Sage, senior director of worldwide channels marketing at Cisco Systems, on trends in IP video.

SAP Canada's Mandala: Customers will move toward integrated offerings and away from best-of-breed solutions.
Software apps vendors look into crystal ball
A number of software application vendors offered their thoughts on trends for the upcoming year, as well as glimpses into their respective product and channel strategies.
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New Year, new computer security threats
As we enter the New Year, Microsoft is warning consumers of new computer security threats that promise to hit them online in 2008.
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Optimization and thinking green to be trends in 2008
While unified communications and security may be two of the hottest topics when it comes to the overall networking industry, they're not the only growth areas expected in 2008.
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DataCore launches new starter SAN package
DataCore Software has released new SAN software aimed at SMBs that require the features and functionality of the higher-end enterprise SANs -- but at a $4,000 (U.S.) price point.
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Weak markets to drive increased investment in global outsourcing
A survey from Syntel, an IT outsourcing and BPO company, of 250 IT professionals in global companies found that most IT professionals feel a weak economy in 2008 is more likely to increase spending on global outsourcing rather than limit it.
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