On Friday 02 May 2008, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> You wrote:
> > > I've actually solved in in more or less the same way, with as main
> > > difference that in the final two steps of thw workflow are done
> > > automatically from a post-commit hook.  This seems to work very well,
> > > for as far as I've been able to test it.
> >
> > Could you elaborate a bit on this? I'm not that familiar with
> > post-commit hooks, but I'm having problems seeing how this would work.
> Well, the smart-update puts a placeholder in the header (where normally
> the revision number would be).  In the post-commit hook, a script then
> checks out the files that were changed in the commit that triggered the
> run of the hook.  It replaces the placeholder by the actual revision
> number (which is known at this time in the commit process), and creates
> a new commit of the same files.

Nice, that sounds like a neat solution.

It does seem to require that both the original and translations are 
committed at the same time. What happens if, for whatever reason, a 
translation with the placeholder is committed in a later commit than the 

Hmm. Looking at the script (only quickly and I'm not really fluent in Perl, 
so I may be horribly wrong here), it seems that a sanity check may be 
missing that verifies that if a file has the smartchange placeholder, the 
original (english) file has to be included in the same commit.

I think if that is not the case (for every translated file that has the 
placeholder), a commit should probably be rejected.


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