> PS: Please create a Hebrew CSS file based on arabic/debian-ar.css so
> that you can use proper quoting signs in the output of "<q>a quote</q>".

Ok, I am sending this CSS file which makes Hebrew about file Look
good. this file should go under../ intro/

> PS2: It seems like template/debian/release.wml contains also a lot of
> translation stuff. Hebrew is missing in it.

Indeed but that's a lot of work I don't know how to do. I'll try
solving it one day. In the meanwhile if someone who understand wml
better than me looks into it'll be great.

Also, I am attaching the translation of index.wml.
It'll look bad with out the correct css, but I'll see what I can do about it.

#use wml::debian::mainpage title="The Universal Operating System"
#use wml::debian::recent_list
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"

<h2>? מה זה דביאן</h2>

<p><a href="http://www.debian.org/";>דביאן</a> 
היא מערכת הפעלה <a href="intro/free">חופשית</a> למחשב שלך. מערכת הפעלה היא אוסף של תוכניות בסיסיות וכלים אשר מאפשרים להפעיל את המחשב. דביאן משתמשת בקרנל של <a href="http://www.kernel.org/";>לינוקס</a> (זהו הלב של מערכת ההפעלה), אבל מרבית הכלים הבסיסיים מגיעים   <a href="http://www.gnu.org/";>מפרוייקט הגנו GNU project</a>; ולכן השם גנו/לינוקס. </p>

<p>Debian GNU/Linux provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over
<packages_in_stable> <a href="distrib/packages">packages</a>, precompiled software bundled
up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine.</p>

דביאן גנו/לינוקס מספקת יותר מאשר מערכת הפעלה: היא מגיעה עם למעלה מ <packages_in_stable> 
<a href="distrib/packages">חבילות תוכנה</a>, 
מוכנות לשימוש וארוזות בפורמט קל להתקנה על מחשבך. </p>

<p><a href="intro/about">קראו עוד...</a></p>

<hr />

<h2>כיצד מתחילים</h2>

<p>The <a href="releases/stable/">latest stable release of Debian</a> is
<current_release_short>. The last update to this release was made on
<current_release_date>. Read more about <a href="releases/">available
versions of Debian</a>.</p>

<p>If you'd like to start using Debian, you can easily
<a href="distrib/">obtain a copy</a>, and then follow the
<a href="releases/stable/installmanual">installation instructions</a>
to install it.</p>

<p>If you're upgrading to the latest stable release from a previous version,
please read <a href="releases/stable/releasenotes">the release notes</a>
before proceeding.</p>

<p>To get help in using or setting up Debian, see our
<a href="doc/">documentation</a> and <a href="support">support</a> pages.</p>

<p>Users that speak languages other than English should check the
<a href="international/">international</a> section.</p>

<p>People who use systems other than Intel x86 should check the
<a href="ports/">ports</a> section.</p>

<hr />


<p><:= get_recent_list('News/$(CUR_YEAR)', '6', '$(ENGLISHDIR)', '', '\d+\w*' ) :></p>

<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/News/">News Page</a>.
If you would like to receive mail whenever new Debian news comes out, subscribe to the
<a href="MailingLists/debian-announce">debian-announce mailing list</a>.</p>

<hr />

<h2>Security Advisories</h2>

<p><:= get_recent_list ('security/2w', '10', '$(ENGLISHDIR)', 'bydate', '(2000\d+\w+|dsa-\d+)' ) :></p>

<p>For older security advisories see the <A href="$(HOME)/security/">
Security Page</a>.
If you would like to receive security advisories as soon as they're announced, subscribe to the
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/";>debian-security-announce
mailing list</a>.</p>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian Security Advisories (titles only)" href="security/dsa">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian Security Advisories (summaries)" href="security/dsa-long">
/* Debian language css file for hebrew - he */
/* For comments and suggestions please contact oznahum at gmail.com */

html[lang|=he] #serverselect {
	width: 13em;
html[lang|=he] #maincol {
	margin-left: 10em;
html[lang|=he] #leftcol ul.cdmenu {
	width: 10em;

q { font-style: italic; }
/* quotes */
html[lang|=he] q:before { content: "\201C"; }
html[lang|=he] q:after { content: "\201D"; } 
html[lang|=he] q q:before { content: "\2018"; }
html[lang|=he] q q:after { content: "\2019"; }

html[lang|=he] blockquote p:first-child:before { content: "\201C"; }
html[lang|=he] blockquote p.notlast:after { content: ""; }
html[lang|=he] blockquote p:after { content: "\201D"; }

html[lang|=he] blockquote.question p:before { content: ""; }
html[lang|=he] blockquote.question p:after, blockquote.documentquote p:after{ content: ""; }
html[lang|=he] blockquote { font-style: italic; }

html[lang=en] .en2 q:before { content: "\2018"; }
html[lang=en] .en2 q:after { content: "\2019"; }
html[lang=en] .en2 q q:before { content: "\201C"; }
html[lang=en] .en2 q q:after { content: "\201D"; } 

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