On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 14:45:20 -0400 David Prévot wrote:

> Le 09/01/2012 17:39, Francesco Poli a écrit :
> Instead of continuing our discussion based on impressions, we just
> issued a quick poll [P.-S.]: it confirms that not everyone will agree
> with a copyright reassignment, but almost all contributors will likely
> give us a blanket permission to relicense their contributions under any
> DFSG-free license.
> Please note that Andrei found it “a bit harsh” [1] (well, it was about
> copyright reassignment, since we will only ask for a relicensing
> permission, maybe his remark won't stand) if we remove commit access to
> people who won't give their agreement. Hopefully, none of us will really
> disagree, and we'll only temporarily remove commit access to temporarily
> unavailable contributors.

As it should already be clear from my previous comments, I think that
requiring blanket re-licensing permission from contributors as a
prerequisite for accepting contributions to an activity of the Debian
Project would be a *very bad* precedent.

I think that such a strategy, if adopted, would alienate a number of
existing or future potential contributors.

At the very least, me.
I haven't yet contributed anything to the Debian official web site, but
I think that anyone trying to persuade me to help will have a very hard
time, if, in order to contribute, I would be forced to allow the Debian
Project to re-license my work at will, under any terms it considers to
be DFSG-free.

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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