Your help is welcome. Have a look at this page: or in general at

Best regards,

On  7-01-2014, at 13h 05'44", Peter Krebs wrote about "Increase your Website 
traffic and sales"
>   Debian Team, <br /><br /><p>Looking at your website I think you
> have very good potential to grow exponentially in the market. But
> due to the loop holes currently present in your website you are not
> getting enough relevant organic traffic to your website, which is
> resulting in the growth of your&nbsp;<strong>competitors</strong>.
> <strong>Your loss is your competitor&rsquo;s gain</strong> i.e. the
> traffic which could have generated quality sales for you goes to
> your competitors as they rank well in the Search Engine Result Pages
> (SERP&rsquo;s) organically.<br /><br /></p>
> <p>We here follow complete "<strong>White Hat Technique</strong>"
> which is devoid from any effect of Search Engine Updates like
> "<strong>Panda</strong>, <strong>Penguin</strong> or
> <strong>Hummingbird</strong>". Our Expert Teams are focused on
> mitigating the errors and optimizing the website, so as to give our
> clients the maximized results. I thought you might like to know the
> reasons why you are not getting enough organic &amp; social media
> traffic on your website.<br /><br />I would like to update you that
> your website is still not ranked on the top pages of Google SERPs
> for your popular keywords (Products).&nbsp;<br /><br /></p>
> <p>Reasons:&nbsp;<br /><br /></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;HTML and other on-page errors are
> present on your website.</strong></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;Low number of internal and external
> quality links present on your website.</strong></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;Duplicate or low quality contents
> present in your website without any regular update.</strong></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;Need fresh contents on your website and
> blogs as per the latest Google guideline.</strong></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;Broken Links and Poison words might be
> present in your website.</strong></p>
> <p><strong>&uuml;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adding to the latest Developments you
> need to refurbish the Social Media Profile.</strong></p>
> <p><br /> Long gone are the days when Google used to give priority
> to websites of keyword based domains or websites with huge number of
> links. Now Google counts each and every detail to verify if your
> website is relevant to the keywords you are promoting for. A single
> UN-wanted link or a duplicate content can lead your website to be
> penalized by Google.<br /><br />This email just tells you the
> fraction of things we do, our optimization process involves many
> other technical factors which can be sent to you on your request
> &ldquo;<strong>WEBSITE AUDIT REPORT</strong>&rdquo;. If you like to
> know more about our services then please write us back with your
> contact number and best time to reach you, so that our Senior
> Technical Expert can give you call for further discussion.<br /><br
> />Let me know your thoughts and looking forward to work together.<br
> /><br /><strong>Best Regards,</strong><br /><strong>Peter
> Krebs</strong><br /><strong>Business Development
> Manager</strong></p><br /><br />

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