Le 20 août 2014 15:03, "Simon Paillard" <spaill...@debian.org> a écrit :
> Indeed in apache conf:
>    # we never want to rewrite those URLs
>    [..]
>    RewriteRule ^/[^/]+\.css - [L]
>    RewriteRule ^/[^/]+\.js - [L]
>    RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico$ - [L]
>    RewriteRule ^/robots.txt$ - [L]
>    [..]
>    RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)$               /search?keywords=$1 [R,L,NE]
> As :
> * we want to keep the url http://pdo/$package working
> * policy allows package name to end with .css .js or even be named
> --> What about moving static *css and *js to a static dir ?

It's probably a good solution but using http://pdo/static/*.(css,js) will
be confusing if there is a package named 'static'. However, we could use a
more specific name to mitigate the problem ('static-files' or even
'static-files-for-pdo' for example). We could wait until the problem occurs
too but if the changes are done, it's a no-cost to use a name more specific.

Using a sub-domain (like http://static-package.d.o) is probably a bad idea
because it will need an additional configuration for the *js files due to
security policy of the web browsers.

The favico.ico could be replaced by a standard image (png, jpg) if it's not
currently the case. The tag is 'link rel="icon"'. It could not work on old
browsers. If the site uses the tag, the apache configuration for favicon
could be removed and any package could be called 'favicon.ico'.

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