1. Ing. Salvatore Capolupo, Cosenza, Italia
2. Commercial
3. www.salvatorecapolupo.it <http://salvatorecapolupo.it>
4. We use Debian for testing various SEO app, developing application
   for our professional purposes and games developed with native IDE,
   either PHP/MySQL/Apache than NGINX. We also developing browser-games
   in Phaser using  Eclipse/Netbeans, and we are running Debian on a
   netbook and on a PC. We have chosen it as the best / most
   clear/secure Linux distro, in our experience.

Ing. Salvatore Capolupo - SEO, WEB marketing e contenuti di siti web - P. IVA 03067010789 - Il mio blog <http://salvatorecapolupo.it> - Skype: salvatorecapolupo <skype:salvatorecapolupo?call>

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