
A recent discussion on debian-devel has drawn attention to the text of the
page <>, which says, in part:

   Truly free software is always free. Software that is placed in the public
   domain can be snapped up and put into non-free programs.  Any
   improvements then made are lost to society.  To stay free, software must
   be copyrighted and licensed.

Because this page is on the Debian website, it is being cited as if it were
an official statement of the Debian project.  But the above statement is not
a position that has ever been ratified by the Debian project; it is an
opinion of the author, and the author's name is not listed on this essay.

Please fix this page to either list the author, so that it does not appear
to be an official project position; or else please revise this webpage so
that it does not make controversial statements that are inconsistent with
the DFSG.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                                     

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