
Mirko Kaltschmidt <kaltschmidt.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> this message is made short (especially because the current state
> regarding quality and correctness of my usage of the English language
> has been unproven for many years).
> Because of this I beg Your pardon, but hopefully You will be able to
> get the message correctly.
> Your website 'www.debian.org' has been visited from a German location.
> Visiting 'https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/' to read
> the manual, that is in German translation titled 'Das Debian
> Administrationshandbuch', there has been some seemingly broken links
> identified.
> The seemingly broken links of the contents are '6.6. Von einer Stable
> Distribution auf die nächste
> aktualisieren'/'https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/sect.dist-upgrade.de.html',
> '6.6.1. Empfohlene
> Vorgehensweise'/'https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/sect.dist-upgrade.de.html#idm139675552654432',
> and '6.6.2. Problembehandlung nach einer
> Aktualisierung'/'https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/sect.dist-upgrade.de.html#idm139675552632176'.
> A similiar problem is occurring also regarding the links refering to
> '6.6.' from '6.5.' while visiting '6.5.' and the links refering to
> '6.6.2.' from '6.7.' while visiting '6.7.'.
> Maybe this mail is not written and send to You in vain, because You
> find yourself able to understand this mail, that was written in the
> best interest und empowered with the best will to actually communicate
> something to You to make it understandable for You.

Thanks for your info. It is perfectly understandable.

Viele Grüße :-)


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