Thank you very much.
But... I can't understand.
Why translation depend .mo files, not .po files ?

2018-02-03 14:18 GMT+09:00 Paul Wise <>:

> On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 10:20 AM, sebul wrote:
> > I did not compile.
> > I just translated.
> > I don't know why translation is not accepted.
> I looked through the code involved for this:
> english/international/l10n/po/index.wml:11:<po-langs-long>
> english/international/l10n/dtc.def:205:<define-tag po-langs-long>
> international/l10n/dtc.def:183:        print "<li>$l &mdash; <a
> href=\"$l\">".language_name($l)."</a></li>\n";
> international/l10n/dtc.def:133:sub language_name {
> international/l10n/dtc.def:147:         $lang_fullname =
> dgettext("iso_639_3", "$lang_fullname");
> So it looks like this is caused by the iso-codes package:
> $ msgunfmt /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ | grep -A1 Breton
> msgid "Breton"
> msgstr "프랑스어"
> $ dpkg -S /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
> iso-codes: /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
> Please file a bug against the iso-codes package indicating that the
> Korean translation of Breton should be "브레톤어" instead of "프랑스어". If
> you can see any other translation errors in the translation file,
> please report those too.
> Please note that this won't reach the Debian website until after the
> issue is fixed in Debian stable. Please suggest to the iso-codes
> maintainers to make an update in stable and oldstable for the
> translation changes done since Debian stretch.
> --
> bye,
> pabs

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