Hello Michael,

Am 13.06.19 um 16:35 schrieb Michael Kesper:

>>>> But there are no backports of the gcc versions available! So the output
>>>> of the search is mostly correct.
> I think packages.d.o. could be a little bit smarter here.
> We _know_ for a fact that stretch-backports is a "backport" of a 
> "distribution version".
> So if we don't find it there, point to another distribution version?

there are a lot of possibilities, some of them are useful some probably not.
I wont hold back someone who is willing to have a look at all to improve
the search of course. ;) But I'm not the one who will do anything here,
no knowledge nor time to do so. I also wont have currently any interest
to look into the code and as I see it's mostly Perl, so I'm out at all. :)

> I did not look at the code yet (there's also no pointer on that site where we 
> can
> find that).

Have you looked into the footer?


There is all listed you want to know I'd say.

Carsten Schoenert

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