
Changwoo Ryu <cw...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to mark translated pages as
> "incomplete"(partially-translated) or (at least) "outdated"
> explicitly?
> I recently found that most of the Korean-translated security advisory
> pages were incomplete. Most of those pages have only their titles, a
> typical line of "We recommend that you upgrade..." and line of
> "...refer to its security tracker page at" translated. Other
> descriptive texts were not translated but the whole pages were
> committed as "up-to-date" pages. For example:
> https://www.debian.org/security/2020/dsa-4641.ko.html
> It is not healthful way of translation but here I don't want to blame
> the translator. I just want to show these incomplete pages as
> incomplete in the translated pages and the translation statistics
> page, not to hide them as up-to-date. Then other people could notice
> that and do the unfinished job if they wish.
> This is why I want to mark some translated pages as incomplete. I
> skimmed english/template/debian/translation-check.wml template but I
> couldn't find a way. If there's no such way, let's make one please.

The framework for this is already there, it is based on the header lines

#use wml::debian::translation-check 

which point to the commit hash of the corresponding english version of
that page. If that hash is too old, a hint is inserted into the outdated
translated version of the page, saying "This page is outdated, use the
original one".
See for example here:

If the translation-check header is set to the "wrong" hash value (means:
pointing to the latest commit hash for english, which is seens as "This
translation is up-to-date"), the mechanism cannot work, though.

To fix the situation for you, I assume you can set the header to something
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="xxxyyyzzz"
(along with a comment in the next line saying why you changed the hash).
That should result in the above warning being displayed for that page.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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