
Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> наб <nabijaczlew...@nabijaczleweli.xyz> wrote:
> > All the links in the list (System Boot, C) point at packages.debian.org
> > and work, but the link on Tags points at
> >   https://debtags.alioth.debian.org/edit.html?pkg=grub-pc
> > which doesn't even resolve.
> A patch is attached to (hopefully) replace the old alioth search URL
>       https://debtags.alioth.debian.org/edit.html?pkg=<package-name>
> by the new one at debtags.d.o
>       https://debtags.debian.org/search/?wl=&q=<package-name>&qf=default

I have pushed this now.
Let's see how it goes.


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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