
We are pleased to inform you that we are receiving more and more requests for Debian implementations in our clients' companies.

We have even prepared a special page (offer) and are promoting Debian to our customers:

* https://prolego.pl/uslugi-outsourcingowe/outsourcing-it/debian-wdrozenie-i-administracja/

Unfortunately, we are still waiting for our website to be listed on Debian.org (https://www.debian.org/users/)

I again kindly request you to process our request sent a few months ago and add our company to this site.

1. Name of organization

Company name: Prolego Sp. z o.o.

Address: Plac Konesera 12

Postal code: 03-736

City: Warsaw

Country: Poland

Registration number: 000771991

VAT-EU (TAX ID): PL5213856578

2. Organization type


3. Homepage link


4. A short paragraph or two describing how your organization uses Debian

_We are an IT company that recommends the Debian system for our clients who value stability and diligent developers. Debian gives us top-not security, that's why we run over 60 external dedicated machines in the largest EU datacenters using Debian, and we have also used this system in the creation of a server cluster for one of our clients._

_In addition, most of our Web environment is based on the Debian system, ensuring maximum optimization and security. In addition, we offer bootcamps and training for IT system administrators, where we use the Debian system exclusively._

Regards with love,

Przemysław Rejf

CEO of Prolego Sp. z o.

W dniu 2023-02-27 18:02, Prolego napisał(a):

Good evening,

We are receiving inquiries from clients whose want to use Debian-based solutions it would be great if you can list our website on your site. Please note, that we have send all details as below:

Thank you in advance!

W dniu 2022-10-20 20:09, Prolego napisał(a):

Dear Debian staff,

We kindly ask to add our company recommendation with details to allow us implement more servers using Debian and spread the Debian into local market (Poland). We will be really happy to gain more customers and implement Debian as instances! Please find all details below.

1. Name of organization

Company name: Prolego Sp. z o.o.

Address: Plac Konesera 12

Postal code: 03-736

City: Warsaw

Country: Poland

Registration number: 000771991

VAT-EU (TAX ID): PL5213856578

2. Organization type


3. Homepage link


4. A short paragraph or two describing how your organization uses Debian

_We are an IT company that recommends the Debian system for our clients who value stability and diligent developers. Debian gives us top-not security, that's why we run over 60 external dedicated machines in the largest EU datacenters using Debian, and we have also used this system in the creation of a server cluster for one of our clients._

_In addition, most of our Web environment is based on the Debian system, ensuring maximum optimization and security. In addition, we offer bootcamps and training for IT system administrators, where we use the Debian system exclusively._

Best regards,

Przemysław Rejf


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