* Christian Hammers in "Re: xset fp+ no longer working" dated
* 2000/08/02 18:49 wrote:

> On Tue, 01.08.00 18:20 -0500, Ashley Clark wrote:
> > You need to add the type1 font module to be able to load the Type1
> > fonts AbiWord supplies. You might also want to add lines for
> > freetype/xtt and speedo, depending on your needs/wants.
> Thanks for the hint. Do you know where these modules are documented?
> (e.g. what benefit brings freetype and xtt? No font server anymore?)

I don't think there are man pages but it is mentioned in the XF86Config
(1) man page when it talks about loadable modules. I really think that
the main benefit is that you don't need a font server for TrueType
fonts anymore.

hacker sally

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