On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 01:17:45PM -0500, Brad Hilton wrote:
> Hello,
> With the latest version of the phase 2 packages (v8) imlib seems to be
> leaking shared memory segments quite badly.  For example, if I start X using
> twm and do ipcs -u I have one segment being used (the proprietary NVIDIA
> driver seems to use that).
> However, after starting and stopping imlib_config there are 8 segments in
> use.  Then, with each subsequent run of imlib_config 7 additional segments
> are leaked.
> I haven't upgraded anything that I know of that would relate to this except
> XFree from phase2v7 to phase2v8.
> Is anyone else seeing this?

Yes, it killed my machine three times before I figured out what it was.
(Thought it was my kernel, but it was not.)

Using gnome + sawmill + gnapster and it ate up 175M in SHM segs real
fast, but it was mostly freed once I killed X.

none                  8.0G  175M  7.8G   3% /var/shm

This makes X completely unusable for me, and I /really/ don't want to
try and recompile X a few times to try and debug.
> For reference, I'm using:
> Nvidia drivers 0.9-5
> imlib from helix gnome (
> XFree4 phase2v8

G200 from X4 phase2v8.
helix gnome
> Any tips would be appreciated.  For the time being I have disabled MIT-SHM
> shared memory within imlib and that has solved the problem (although
> enlightenment's pager complains).

Hopefully Branden can find it, I'm really not setup for debugging things
as large as X.

Zephaniah E. Hull.
> -Brad

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what, in case tectonic movement makes the serial ports farther apart?
  -- Carl Jacobs on ASR.

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