On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 04:38:24PM +0100, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>  I was grepping debian-bugs-dist for X bugs and I was wondering if you
>  were willing to set the maintainer of the X packages to something like
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and have the bugs copied over here.  This is a lot
>  more reliable than trying to set up some filter to do it and would make
>  it easier for people to discuss bugs and/or provide feedback.  Of
>  course, it also would mean that things like [EMAIL PROTECTED] would also
>  get copied over here, which you might or might not like.  The other
>  problem would be that dinstall would start considering Branden's
>  uploads as NMUs wrt (closes: bug#nnnnn), IIRC.

Yes, I've been thinking about how to go about doing this properly.  When I
run into one of the debbugs guys, like Adam Heath, in IRC I'll chat with
him about possibly getting debian-x used as the maintainer for the purposes
of BTS traffic mails without breaking my ability to close bugs with an

G. Branden Robinson             |      If you make people think they're
Debian GNU/Linux                |      thinking, they'll love you;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |      but if you really make them think,
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |      they'll hate you.

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