On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 03:09:43PM -0500, Ian Soboroff wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone on this list was squashing bugs in the
> NeoMagic server.

No, but they're being squashed upstream.

There were some neomagic fixes in 4.0.1g, which is used in Debian's
4.0.1-{9,10} packages.  (-10 will be uploaded today.)

There is another fix in 4.0.1h, which will first appear in a -11 prerelease
uploaded to the X Strike Force repository.

G. Branden Robinson             |
Debian GNU/Linux                |   The noble soul has reverence for itself.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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