On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 08:59:17AM -0600, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
>  MANIFEST.m68k for this version is on http://people.debian.org/~cts/x4.0/
> Was that too late? Or did I miss something else?

I forgot you told me this.  In the future, please tar up your *.m68k files,
compress the tarball, and file a bug report with important severity so I
can't miss it.

Yes, this is one of the few things I give people permission to file
release-critical bugs against for.  :)

> > Also, Christian, feel free to build 4.0.1-11 so you can send me new *.m68k
> > files, but don't upload it; wait for 4.0.1-12.
> If I have to send you a new MANIFEST, the build will not complete.

But if you do what I suggest in debian/README, you *can* complete the build
and test the packages, even if they must be unofficial.

1) cp debian/MANIFEST.m68k.new debian/MANIFEST.m68k
2) fakeroot debian/rules install FORCE=1
3) fakeroot debian/rules binary

The binary rule may fail, too, if you get some of the debhelper .m68k files
wrong.  If it does, fix them and repeat steps 2 and 3.

G. Branden Robinson             |    Never underestimate the power of human
Debian GNU/Linux                |    stupidity.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    -- Robert Heinlein
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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